Glasgow Finnish School was established in 2005. The school aims to enhance and support the development of Finnish language skills and Finnish identity of children and young people from Finnish families living in Britain, as well as increase their knowledge of Finnish culture and history. In many areas, like in Glasgow, the Finnish schools are the heart of the local Finnish network. All Finns, also those without children, their families and friends are welcome to the school, to meet new people and old friends, to have a cup of coffee and to borrow books from our library. The school offers teaching for school aged children and runs a play group for babies and toddlers. We try to arrange trip once a year. A Christmas party is organised annually including traditional Finnish Christmas food. We have also a small kiosk on school days that sells Finnish sweeties. Welcome!
Koululla tapahtuu - At the school
Tietoa koulusta - About the school
Glasgow’n Suomi-koulu perustettiin vuonna 2005. Koulujen tehtävänä on edistää ja tukea Britanniassa asuvien, kaksi- (useampi-) ja suomenkielisten lasten ja nuorten suomenkielen taitoa, suomalaista identiteettiä sekä antaa tietoutta Suomen kulttuurista ja historiasta. Useilla paikkakunnilla, kuten Glasgowssa, Suomi-koulut muodostavat alueen suomalaisverkoston ytimen. Koululle ovat tervetulleita kaikki suomalaiset, myös lapsettomat, ystävineen ja perheineen, vaikkapa vain tapaamaan uusia ihmisiä ja tuttuja kahvikupillisen äärellä tai lainaamaan kirjoja kirjastostamme. Koulu järjestää opetusta kouluikäisille lapsille ja perheen pienimmille on oma leikkiryhmä. Me pyrimme järjestämään retken kerran vuodessa. Koululla järjestään vuosittain joulujuhla perinteisine suomalaisine jouluherkkuineen. Koululla on lisäksi pieni kioski, joka on avoinna koulupäivinä josta voi ostaa suomalaisia karkkeja pahimpaan koti-ikävään. Tervetuloa!
Glasgow Finnish School was established in 2005. The school aims to enhance and support the development of Finnish language skills and Finnish identity of children and young people from Finnish families living in Britain, as well as increase their knowledge of Finnish culture and history. In many areas, like in Glasgow, the Finnish schools are the heart of the local Finnish network. All Finns, also those without children, their families and friends are welcome to the school, to meet new people and old friends, to have a cup of coffee and to borrow books from our library. The school offers teaching for school aged children and runs a play group for babies and toddlers. We try to arrange trip once a year. A Christmas party is organised annually including traditional Finnish Christmas food. We have also a small kiosk on school days that sells Finnish sweeties. Welcome!
Glasgow Finnish School was established in 2005. The school aims to enhance and support the development of Finnish language skills and Finnish identity of children and young people from Finnish families living in Britain, as well as increase their knowledge of Finnish culture and history. In many areas, like in Glasgow, the Finnish schools are the heart of the local Finnish network. All Finns, also those without children, their families and friends are welcome to the school, to meet new people and old friends, to have a cup of coffee and to borrow books from our library. The school offers teaching for school aged children and runs a play group for babies and toddlers. We try to arrange trip once a year. A Christmas party is organised annually including traditional Finnish Christmas food. We have also a small kiosk on school days that sells Finnish sweeties. Welcome!
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